Expert Advisor Series 4 ~ Subscribe to the Streaming Quotes
Dive into the realm of Forex trading through Fintechee’s Tutorial for Forex Trading, a complimentary service tailored to empower traders. Leveraging our WEB Trader or Expert Advisor Studio, traders gain practical insights and skills. Moreover, our discussions transcend Forex, delving into diverse investment instruments to enrich your knowledge base.
Subscribe to the Streaming Quotes
This tutorial video talks about how to subscribe to the streaming quotes. We can use “getAsk” and “getBid” APIs to get the latest “Ask” and “Bid” values from the streaming quotes. Please note that, before we call “getAsk” and “getBid” APIs, we have to subscribe to the streaming quotes first by using the “getQuotes” API. “getAsk” and “getBid” APIs can be only called in the “Init” callback function. The name of “getQuotes” API is a little confusing. Actually it has no return value. If we want to share information between the callback functions, the global “window” object is the only way to store the information.
We can find the source code examples in our Github repository.