Expert Advisor Series 1 ~ Code a Hello World Expert Advisor
Tutorial for Forex Trading is one of Fintechee’s free services. We help traders learn to trade Forex using our WEB Trader or Expert Advisor Studio. The tutorial covers a broad range of investment instruments, providing comprehensive guidance beyond just Forex trading.
Code a Hello World Expert Advisor
This tutorial video talks about how to code an expert advisor. “Expert advisor” stands for trading robot. We can use them to analyze the market movements and get signals, we can use them to send orders and open trade positions as well. There are three callback functions to perform different purposes.
- Init function: it’s used to create resources.
- Deinit function: it’s used to release resources.
- OnTick function: it’s the main function and will be triggered every time we receive a tick data from the streaming quotes.
We can find the source code examples in our Github repository.