Crypto Wallet Plugin
The Fintechee Crypto Wallet Plugin is designed to integrate with payment functions for blockchains, providing seamless crypto wallet integration.
Extensions for Fintechee Trading Platform consist of Fintechee’s plugins and free services, enhancing the benefits for traders using Fintechee’s WEB Trader or Expert Advisor Studio. These plugins facilitate integration with other brands, allowing products developed based on other brands to be used on Fintechee. This approach helps save migration costs and retain existing tools. Freelancers can reuse expert advisors and custom indicators developed for their clients.
All plugins are free and open-sourced (MIT license). You can access our Github repository to obtain source codes and modify them freely.
- MetaMask (browser extension)
- Scatter (desktop version)
- Fintechee WEB Trader https://www.fintechee.com/web-trader/ or Fintechee FIX API Trading Platform Individual Version https://www.fintechee.com/features/fix-api/
Use Cases (Scenarios when our products can be helpful)
- I want to transfer tokens or cryptocurrencies with UI; I don’t like to use CLI commands.
- We want to create a crypto exchange and integrate a payment gateway with it.
- We want to create an OTC trading platform and use cryptocurrencies as the term currency. We hope to create a payment gateway for straightforward deposits from the crypto wallet to address client concerns about Exit scams.
- We want to create a brokerage trading platform and use cryptocurrencies as the term currency. We hope to create a decentralized payment gateway so that traders can deposit on demand to avoid involvement in Exit scams.
- We want to issue a new token based on Ethereum ERC20. I hope to use the plugin to facilitate transfers.
- We want to issue a new token based on EOS.io. I hope to use the plugin to facilitate transfers.
As using the plugins is flexible, refer to our samples in the Expert-Advisor-Studio Github repository to customize them. For associated projects in production, please refer to XCoinCH: https://www.xcoinch.com
If interested, feel free to modify and try it on your own.
Free and open-sourced.
Fintechee is not affiliated with Ethereum and EOS.io.