Crypto Options Plugin ~

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  • Post by Fintechee
  • Mar 12, 2021
Crypto Options Plugin of Fintechee used to integrate with crypto exchanges that are available to trade options

Crypto Options Plugin

The Fintechee Crypto Options Plugin facilitates integration with crypto exchanges that support options trading.

Extensions for Fintechee Trading Platform consist of Fintechee’s plugins and free services, enhancing the benefits for traders using Fintechee’s WEB Trader or Expert Advisor Studio. These plugins enable integration with other brands, allowing products developed based on other brands to be used on Fintechee. This approach helps save migration costs and retain existing tools. Freelancers can reuse expert advisors and custom indicators developed for their clients.

All plugins are free and open-sourced (MIT license). You can access our Github repository to obtain source codes and modify them freely.


  • Deribit


Use Cases (Scenarios when our products can be helpful)

  1. I want to trade crypto options, but before going live, I want to get the data and analyze market movements.
  2. I want to import options data into my expert advisor. I need a way to use all resources in just one development environment.
  3. I want to monitor the market movements of Bitcoin’s financial derivatives. I need an automated solution to help me.
  4. I want to monitor the market movements of Ether’s financial derivatives. I hope to import them into my automated trading strategies.


Because using the plugins is flexible, refer to our samples in the Expert-Advisor-Studio Github repository to customize them. For Deribit-specific samples, check Fintechee-plugin-for-Deribit.

If interested, feel free to modify and try it on your own.


Free and open-sourced.




Fintechee is not affiliated with Deribit.