Arbitrage Monitor
The Fintechee Arbitrage Monitor plugin is designed to monitor the price differences between Fintechee’s streaming quotes and Oanda’s streaming quotes, enabling traders to identify potential arbitrage opportunities.
Extensions for Fintechee Trading Platform include Fintechee’s plugins and complimentary services, designed to improve the trading experience for users of Fintechee’s WEB Trader or Expert Advisor Studio. These plugins enable seamless integration with various brands, offering a cost-effective solution for migrating and preserving existing tools. Additionally, freelancers can reuse expert advisors and custom indicators they have developed for clients.
All plugins are free and open-sourced (MIT license). Access the Github repository to obtain source codes and modify them freely.
Data Sources Used for Monitoring
- The backend is integrated with liquidity providers via FIX API straightforward.
- Javascript-based SDK built-in (frontend)
- Forex currencies
Oanda V20 API
- Forex currencies
- We provide a Javascript-based browser wrapper that simplifies the usage of Oanda’s original Nodejs client-side package.
- Fintechee WEB Trader https://www.fintechee.com/web-trader/ or
- Fintechee FIX API Trading Platform Individual Version https://www.fintechee.com/features/fix-api/
Use Cases (Scenarios when our products can be helpful)
- As a news trader, I identify significant price differences between different brokers when the latest news is released. I believe there is an arbitrage trading opportunity, but I need an automated tool in an HFT environment, as manual monitoring is impractical.
- Calendar indicators present arbitrage opportunities, but their speed is challenging to follow manually. I require an automated tool to track information and identify arbitrage chances.
- With only one Oanda account, trading arbitrage is challenging due to identical quotes. I seek a tool to enable arbitrage trading with minimal additional costs.
- Open Fintechee’s WEB Trader or FIX API trading platform individual version (they share the same UI).
- Open a chart and add an indicator named fintechee_oanda_loader (or fintechee_crypto_loader).
- Input your credential information if needed.
- New instruments with the data source name are added to the instruments list.
- Click the “Change” button (refresh icon) to view the desired data.
- Access our Github repo to get the source codes named fixapi_oanda_arbitrage.js.
- Copy-paste the source codes into Fintechee’s console panel.
- Find the new EA in the EA list and run it.
- Solid lines indicate today’s market movement chances, while dashed lines show yesterday’s chances.
- “FIX API - Oanda” represents price differences between Fintechee’s Bid and Oanda’s Ask, and “Oanda - FIX API” represents differences between Oanda’s Bid and Fintechee’s Ask.
Free and open-sourced. Source codes are available in our Github repository.
Feel free to try it on your own.
Source codes to build the Oanda wrapper are provided. Please build it on your own if interested.
Fintechee is not affiliated with Oanda.