Exante Crypto
Exante Crypto Liquidity Provider is one of Liquidity Providers that cooperate with Fintechee. Brokers, White Labels can connect to Exante Crypto via FIX API.
Minimum risks and maximum profit when investing in cryptocurrencies with EXANTE Crypto. Their crypto funds allow for a one-click purchase of bitcoin and 15 most popular altcoins including Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero and Ripple from a single trading account. The funds’ shares are tied to the cryptocurrencies and change synchronically.
They are one of the liquidity providers that are most recommended by us. During the period that we cooperate with them, their crypto-related products left deep impression in our minds. With EXANTE Crypto you don’t need to worry about staying legal while trading and storing digital assets.
Please check Exante’s official site to know more details.
Private Investor
For private investors who need direct access to 50+ global venues and the open book — from a single multi-currency account. Unlock stocks, ETFs, bonds, futures, options, metals, fiat and crypto currencies.
Wealth Manager
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Family Office
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Bank and Financial Company
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