ATC Brokers
ATC Brokers Ltd is one of Liquidity Providers that is compatible with Fintechee. Brokers, White Labels can connect to ATC Brokers via our FIX API Trading Platform.
ATC BROKERS LTD. is a premier brokerage firm providing online trading solutions within the foreign exchange industry to clients ranging from retail to institutional traders.
They are one of the liquidity providers that are most recommended by us. During the period that we cooperate with them, their backoffice attracts us very much. The CRM is very flexible to manage different spreads and markups. The orders sent from different traders via one FIX API connectivity can be even identified.
Please check ATC Brokers’ official site to know more details.
Select from the majors to the exotic currency pairs that suits your trading needs. Access to live streaming data and charts from the demo and live trading environment on the trading platform.
- Obtain data from an ECN pricing model.
- Access to a non-dealing desk operation.
- Providing competitive commissions.
Access the precious metals to take advantage of expanding your portfolio with non-currency products.
- Obtain competitive spreads.
- Access the Gold and Silver products
Diversify into Contract for Difference products allowing for the opportunity to trade in the indices and commodities markets.
- Select from the major indices.
- Access the Brent and WTI Crude Oil.
- Receive competitive pricing.